Land Sea Act project partners worked in six geographical case studies with specific issues - results can be found in six case reports and additional materials:
Download report “Integrating cultural values in Marine Spatial Planning and the Blue Growth” (Gulf of Gdansk, Poland)
Read Guidebook in English “Tourist attractions of the municipalities of Gdansk Bay 2020”
Download report "Coastal conflicts, climate impacts and adaptation" (Fehmarn, Germany)
Read brochure in German “Relaxed & Sustainable Holiday in Fehmarn”
Download report "Integrated coastal tourism and mobility planning" (Northern coast, Estonia)
Click to read about the case study
Download report "Harbour business development" (Holbæk, Denmark)
Visit Land-Sea Art catalogue and tool
Furthermore, suggestions on how to address (study, plan, govern and manage) land-sea interactions are assembled into several documents which are based on experience gained in the case studies and findings made within the extensive collaboration with experts and stakeholders:
For a quick insight on Land Sea Act project watch our short videos:
6 Thematic Case Studies
Blue Economy
Multi-level Governance Agenda
The final conference of the Land Sea Act project titled the 4th Baltic MSP Forum took place in a digital format on 1st and 2nd of June 2021 and was organised together with another Interreg BSR project - Capacity4MSP and its lead partner VASAB Secretariat.
The conference was organized to bring together the MSP community from the Baltic Sea Region and beyond and to discuss, share, learn and develop new ideas to enhance MSP in the region.
The main slogan of the 4th Baltic MSP Forum was “Delivering MSP – Interactions and Capacities Across All Levels”, this corresponds to the adoption of national maritime spatial plans according to the Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on establishing a framework for MSP by 31 March 2021.

In the margins of the final conference various experts were invited to present experience and discuss results of stakeholder involvement in MSP, multi-use and blue economy, data-driven decision making in MSP, land-sea interactions, multi-level governance, ecosystem-based approach guidelines, maritime cultural heritage and last, but not least – climate change and MSP.
The experienced MSP expert Ms. Rhona Fairgrieve (Principal Marine Environmental Consultant, Water Management Consultancy/Infrastructure in Atkins, member of the SNC-Lavalin Group) was the main moderator in accordance to the supported by MSP Assistance Mechanism.
Please click here to find detailed information, presentations, videos, and summary.
Spend some mote time at our webpage and/or look up for a hashtag #LandSeaAct on social media to find out more insights on activities realised during the project by the project partners - look into News sub-chapter or go to Event list on the front page to see the descriptions and available summaries, for example:
Prepared by Margarita Vološina (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia) /January 2022/