5 November, 2021 Workshop on Multi-level Governance in Baltic Sea Region
Land-Sea-Act project is organising an international workshop for spatial planners of all levels, MSP authorities, regional & local representatives of the governing authorities in coastal areas
The objective of the workshop is to present a draft version of the Multi-level Governance Agenda on Blue Growth and Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region* and to get feedback from different stakeholders on various multi-level governance aspects of managing land-sea interactions.
*The Multi-level Governance Agenda is a result of the Land-Sea-Act project and is a guiding document for various stakeholders recommending actions and solutions on how and to what extent problems, opportunities and stakeholders in land-sea interactions may be governed in a mindful way.
Summary of the workshop is available HERE.
Presentations available here:
🌊 Multi-level Governance Agenda by Ilma Valdmane (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia)
🌊 Land-Sea-Act project case study of Southwestern Kurzeme, Latvia by Anda Ruskule (Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia)
🌊 Land-Sea-Act project case study of Gothenburg region, Sweden by Ida Lindbergh (Gothenburg Region)
🌊 Synthesis about coastal governance: based on Land-Sea-Act project cases by Tarmo Pikner (Tallinn University)
🌊 Action plan for Blue Growth by Andreas Lagemann (Hamburg Institute of International Economics)
🌊 Policy brief: Tailoring multi-level governance in land-sea interface by Kristīna Veidemane (Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia)

Screen shot from Mural with the answers from the workshop participants about the favourite coastal place
Updated by Margarita Vološina (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia) /November 2021/
The event will take place on the 5th of November 2021, 11.00 - 15.10 CET Online, therefore, to ensure efficient digital organisation and discussions, registration and its confirmation are necessary.
Program of the workshop is available HERE
Registration is available HERE and open until the 4th of November, 18:00 CET
The workshop will include presentations and interactive discussions. Overall, it will consist of two parts:
PART 1: Setting the scene and presenting the Multi-level Governance Agenda. The session includes key-note presentations and interactive Q&A/discussion elements which will inform participants about the Land-Sea-Act project, its main aim and upcoming results -the work conducted by the project partners and partnership.
PART 2: Discussing aspects of the Multi-level Governance Agenda in the present and for the future. The session includes interactive discussions led by experts Andrea Morf (Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment) and Kai Böhme (Spatial foresight) and co-facilitated by Anda Ruskule and KristīnaVeidemane (Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia), Tymon Zielinski (Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), Poland) and Mārtiņš Grels (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia).
More detailed information will be available to registered participants – join us to learn and discuss the guidance for facilitating multi-level governance processes!
Contact person for more information:
Margarita Vološina
Project Coordinator at the Spatial Planning and Land Governance Department
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
Prepared by Margarita Vološina (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia) /October 2021/