
Results are now available!
Land Sea Act project partners came a long way together since the kick-off meeting in March 2019. All ambitious objectives set and activities performed by the partnership and each partner individually are achieved by the December 2021 due to diligence, cooperation and adaptiveness and despite unexpected challenges on the way related to the global COVID-19…

Welcome to participate in the Policy Workshop SUSTAINABLE BLUE ECONOMY
SUSTAINABLE BLUE ECONOMY Strategies to foster economic development in coastal areas and deal with the challenges ahead The project Land-Sea-Act aims to bring together stakeholders involved in coastal management and planning, find solutions to Maritime Spatial Planning and Blue Growth challenges around the Baltic Sea, and elaborate Multi-level Governance Agenda on Blue Growth and Spatial…

Join us at the workshop on Multi-level Governance / 5 November 2021
Land-Sea-Act project is organising an international workshop for spatial planners of all levels, MSP authorities, regional & local representatives of the governing authorities in coastal areas The objective of the workshop is to present a draft version of the Multi-level Governance Agenda on Blue Growth and Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region* and to…

Join training on land-sea interactions in spatial planning!
Land-Sea-Act project will organize transnational training on land-sea interactions in spatial planning for planners and policy makers in Baltic Sea Region. For all interested in tools and practices for the enhancement and acceleration the Blue Growth in coastal areas, this workshop will provide informative, intensive and interactive knowledge exchange. When: 20 October 2021 14:00–17:00 EEST…

Opening of Land-Sea Art
On September 24th Land Sea Art page will be launched and presented for public This page depicts many artistic productions referring to the harbour-front in Holbæk, Denmark. The intention of Land-Sea Art is to give planners, artists, event organisers and other types of entrepreneurs input on how art can be used as a mediator…

Registration for the 4th Baltic MSP Forum is open. The Forum will take place on 1-2 June 2021 online. The Forum is organised by two Interreg BSR projects Capacity4MSP and Land-Sea-Act and it serves as a final conference for both projects. Already for the 4th time the Baltic MSP Forum is organised to bring together…

Land-Sea Act project partners took part in the workshop ‘Tackling Land-Sea Interactions on the Way Towards Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea Region’
Studio arranged for the broadcast of the workshop, in the centre moderator Kristīna Veidemane, BEF Latvia On the 3rd of March, 2021, within the project platform Capacity4MSP, workshop dedicated to the land-sea interactions theme took place in the digital format. The workshop was organised to present and discuss ideas on multi-level governance potential for managing…

Blue Growth Checks: Potentials for prosperous regional Blue Economies
The Blue Growth Checks report aims to map the current state of the Blue Economy and future growth potentials in the Land-Sea-Act project case study regions. As the Blue Economy still is a relatively new concept, data availability proved to be problematic, especially on the regional and local level. Therefore, the analysis was complemented by…

Urgent need for addressing climate and ocean change adaptation and mitigation principles in coastal planning
Climate change has severe consequences worldwide and most of these consequences, like, e.g. global temperature increase, sea level rise or extreme weather events are becoming dangerous for humans, their natural environment and settlements, while coastal areas/cities are especially sensitive to these changes. Family walking along the beach in Jūrmala, Latvia. January, 2021 In case of…

On our way to balance use of land-sea resources in the Southwestern Kurzeme coast (Latvia)
The demonstration case at the Southwestern Kurzeme coast of Latvia aims to support the sustainable development of coastal area by balancing the interests of renewable (wind) energy production at sea with the development of coastal tourism, preservation of landscape value and environmental quality. In 2020 Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia experts had performed the biophysical mapping and…

4th Baltic MSP Forum is coming in 2021!
The 4th Baltic MSP Forum will take place on 1 – 2 June 2021, online and will be broadcasted from Latvia. The Forum is organised by two Interreg BSR projects Capacity4MSP and Land-Sea-Act and it serves as a final conference for both projects. Already for the 4th time the Baltic MSP Forum is organised to…

Maritime businesses in the west Sweden
On the 4th of June 2020, 15 people from 6 different municipalities on the west coast of Sweden gathered in an online meeting within the framework of the Land-Sea-Act project. The participants represented both business developers and planners from the municipalities. The aim of the meeting was twofold. Partly, to present the results from an…

Effects of the water sports on the underwater vegetation in the Orther Reede Bay
The Case study of Fehmarn Island within the Land-Sea-Act project explores various aspects of balancing tourism activities (including water sports) and nature conservation. On Fehmarn island one particular area where nature values are prevalent and water sports are popular is the Orther Bay. To study the impact of surfing activities on nature values macrophytes [an…

Fehmarn’s blooming future
Flower meadow with a mixture of species near Mölln in Northern Germany in September 2020. Credit: Damian Arikas, Baltic Environmental Forum Germany Fehmarn is not a purely touristic island: As the island’s soil is known to be particularly fruitful, around 70% of its land area are utilised as agricultural land. However, extensive agriculture was proven…

Blue Growth Checks: assessing essential components for a successful development of novel Blue Growth solutions
The aim of Group of Activieties 3.4 is to map the Blue Economy in the regions of the demonstration cases and assess the essential components for a successful development and take up of novel Blue Growth solutions. The output will analyse in how far the planned pilot actions can contribute to both, the implementation of…

Military heritage as part of Blue Growth
In the August of 1941 at the tip of the Juminda Peninsula one of the most devastating naval battles was held causing the lives of up to 25,000 people according to war historian Mati Õun. Couple of hundred ships and vessels retreating from Tallinn to Leningrad had to face 32 km of mines, bombardments from…

How does the Baltic Sea smell?
Joint activities to foster ecological tourism on the island Fehmarn (case study Germany) The island Fehmarn is a very popular holiday destination on the German Baltic Sea coast. The municipality counts over one million overnight stays per year, with an increasing tendency. The tourists are very welcome! However, with more tourists comes the question about…

Accessing coastal visitor flow, public infrastructure and environmental pressures
One million people could relax on the coast of the Baltic Sea in the territory of Latvia at the same time – this calculation is based on mathematical estimation if 495 km of Latvian coastline would be occupied with 5-10 sq m per visitor. Although unrealistic in general, in many coastal places anthropogenic pressure is…

1st International Expert Panel
During the challenging times worldwide caused by COVID-19 pandemic Land-Sea-Act project partners switched from in-person meetings to remote working mode on-line. During 3rd partner meeting on March 25th partners organized project’s first International Expert Panel. Aim of the first panel was to introduce invited experts with the concept of the International expert Panel established in…

Developing scenarios with local schoolchildren
To evaluate the direction of our present decisions scenarios are used in planning Scenario is a tale of future in narrative and/or illustrative form. These are usually grossly exaggerated to illustrate the point better. Tallinn University researchers visited Kunda Gymnasium to gather youngsters’ input to explorative scenarios in January 2020. Pupils were given four scenario…

Project platform Capacity4MSP kick-off meeting will take place in Riga, Latvia on 21-22 November 2019
Project platform Capacity4MSP kick-off meeting will take place in Riga, Latvia on 21-22 November 2019. Project platform ‘Capacity4MSP: Strengthening the capacity of MSP stakeholders and decision makers’ aims to strengthen the capacity of maritime spatial planning stakeholders, policy- and decision-makers through intensified dialogue activities and amplifying gained knowledge in MSP. Capacity4MSP builds on the results…

Maritime Spatial Planning Forum Global meets regional
19-21 November 2019, Riga, Latvia Venue: University of Latvia, Academic centre of Tornakalns, Jelgavas Street 1; 3, Riga More info:

Discover the latest news about the UN Decade For Ocean Sciences (2021-2030)
The United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework that will ensure ocean science can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the Ocean. More info:

Let LandSeaAct begin! kick-off meeting in Riga, Latvia on 12-13 March 2019
Today we start our journey – #LandSeaAct #Interreg #BalticSeaRegion project to discover spatial solutions to balance the economic use of the sea and nature conservation along the Baltic Sea coast. More info: