Climate change adaptation and sustainable tourism (German case)
Climate change adaptation and sustainable tourism (German case)
Lead: Baltic Environmental Forum Germany
Fehmarn island is located in the northeast coast of Germany. Climate change may cause prolonged summer seasons on Fehmarn island and may result in increasing tourist appearances and more extreme weather events such as storm surges. Hence, the coastal and marine tourism sector may expand, which may cause spatial conflicts with wild life as well as coastal protected areas. This calls for the development of climate change adaptation measures combined with new sustainable coastal tourism concepts.

Due to climate change, a wide range of environmental and socio-economic impacts can be expected in the Baltic Sea Region in the future. Islands are among those coastal areas where impacts might be the most severe, and thus the planning of climate change adaptation measures has increasing importance for Baltic Sea municipalities.
Fehmarn island is in the north-eastern coast of Germany. Here, climate change will cause more extreme weather events such as storm surges and heat waves, but also prolonged summer seasons that attract more tourists. The heat in the summer can increase the attractiveness of the Baltic coast even more and draw tourists from the Mediterranean and other popular holiday regions where it can get uncomfortably hot. Hence, the coastal and marine sector may expand. This will cause spatial conflicts between wildlife and coastal tourism.
In the Land-Sea-Act project the municipality of Fehmarn island and the Baltic Environmental Forum Germany collaborate to assess climate change adaptation measures combined with sustainable tourism concepts.
- Evaluating impacts of climate change on Fehmarn.
- Surveying tourists and local actors to knowledge about climate change, currently available sustainable tourism offers and development potentials (summer 2019 and 2020).
- Developing a set of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures with local actors, in the format of sequence of discussion rounds and working group meetings.
- Resolving spatial conflicts between coastal, marine tourism and wildlife, by means of a water- and land-based water sports guidance system and buoys.
- Developing a so- called “Green Week”, a set of tourism offers for pursuing sustainable holidays on the island.
Expected results:
A comprehensive set of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that are initiated and/or (partially) realized by the municipality of Fehmarn.
A strategic and implemented way forward towards sustainable tourism offers, as e.g. the offer booklet of the “Green Week”.
Compiled information, newly installed buoys and notice boards that spatially separate marine/coastal tourism from wildlife areas (conflict resolution).
Synthesis report (in English and German) merging knowledge and activities about climate change mitigation/adaptation and sustainable tourism concepts, to be transferred to other coastal areas, especially in the Baltic Sea Region.
Climate change adaption, sustainable tourism, resolution of spatial conflicts between wildlife and tourism
Leading partner:
01.11.2019 Workshop 2 “Climate Emergency” with local stakeholders on Fehmarn
06.09.2019 Workshop 1 “Climate Emergency” with local stakeholders on Fehmarn