Trade-offs and balanced use of land-sea resources (Latvian Case)
Lead: Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia
The demonstration case at the Southwestern Kurzeme coast of Latvia aims to address these land-sea interaction challenges by i) assessing the development potentials and trade-offs in the coastal areas, and ii) proposing spatial planning solutions, which would balance the national interest for development of the off-shore renewable energy with local community interests for maintaining of the coastal landscape and tourism development.
Cultural values in MSP& Blue Growth (Polish case)
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Social and cultural values - in contrast to environmental and economic data - are relatively poorly recognized. Their incorporation into planning processes on the sea, and to less extent on the land, is limited. This is especially true in relation to intangible cultural heritage, which is understood as values that people place on marine ecosystems. This activity aims to address this gap by testing a specific MSP support framework that includes cultural values into planning processes in the Gulf of Gdansk area.
Climate change adaptation and sustainable tourism (German case)
Lead: Baltic Environmental Forum Germany
Fehmarn island is located in the northeast coast of Germany. Climate change may cause prolonged summer seasons on Fehmarn island and may result in increasing tourist appearances and more extreme weather events such as storm surges. Hence, the coastal and marine tourism sector may expand, which may cause spatial conflicts with wild life as well as coastal protected areas. This calls for the development of climate change adaptation measures combined with new sustainable coastal tourism concepts.
Integrated coastal mobility and tourism planning (Estonian case)
Lead: Tallinn University
Haljala municipality and Vihula municipality are located in the northwest Estonia (former Lääne-Viru county) and have several small harbours, fishing and recreation activities, and some tourism activities. This coastal area has been selected to demonstrate approaches and methods to address development trade-offs of key coastal economy sectors though spatial planning solutions.
Tourism entrepreneurship development in small ports (Danish case)
Lead: Holbæk Municipality
A case study for studying culture heritage and traditional shipbuilding as resource for tourism entrepreneurship development in Holbaek harbour, Denmark. Holbaek harbour placed direct in the middle of Holbaek City. The experiences and business practices will be transferable to other BSR countries. Recently the Danish National Museum has decided that Holbaek harbour shall be the main reconstruction venue, for their largest historical wooden boats in the future.
Elaboration of Gothenburg regional maritime strategy (Swedish case)
Lead: County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland
The main task of this group of activities is to create a regional maritime strategy for improved cooperation and innovative methods for sustainable development of coastal economies in the coastal area of Gothenburg, Sweden, namely the coastal areas of the municipalities Göteborg, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Stenungsund, Tjörn, Öckerö, Orust and Uddevalla. The challenge, in general, is top-down and bottom-up MSP and blue growth development, visions, future scenarios and models to local and regional contexts.