
Fehmarn’s blooming future

Flower meadow with a mixture of species near Mölln in Northern Germany in September 2020. Credit: Damian Arikas, Baltic Environmental Forum Germany Fehmarn is not a purely touristic island: As the island’s soil is known to be particularly fruitful, around 70% of its land area are utilised as agricultural land. However, extensive agriculture was proven…

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Military heritage as part of Blue Growth

In the August of 1941 at the tip of the Juminda Peninsula one of the most devastating naval battles was held causing the lives of up to 25,000 people according to war historian Mati Õun. Couple of hundred ships and vessels retreating from Tallinn to Leningrad had to face 32 km of mines, bombardments from…

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How does the Baltic Sea smell?

Joint activities to foster ecological tourism on the island Fehmarn (case study Germany) The island Fehmarn is a very popular holiday destination on the German Baltic Sea coast. The municipality counts over one million overnight stays per year, with an increasing tendency. The tourists are very welcome! However, with more tourists comes the question about…

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1st International Expert Panel

During the challenging times worldwide caused by COVID-19 pandemic Land-Sea-Act project partners switched from in-person meetings to remote working mode on-line. During 3rd partner meeting on March 25th partners organized project’s first International Expert Panel. Aim of the first panel was to introduce invited experts with the concept of the International expert Panel established in…

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Developing scenarios with local schoolchildren

To evaluate the direction of our present decisions scenarios are used in planning Scenario is a tale of future in narrative and/or illustrative form. These are usually grossly exaggerated to illustrate the point better. Tallinn University researchers visited Kunda Gymnasium to gather youngsters’ input to explorative scenarios in  January 2020. Pupils were given four scenario…

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Project platform Capacity4MSP kick-off meeting will take place in Riga, Latvia on 21-22 November 2019

Project platform Capacity4MSP  kick-off meeting will take place in Riga, Latvia on 21-22 November 2019. Project platform ‘Capacity4MSP: Strengthening the capacity of MSP stakeholders and decision makers’ aims to strengthen the capacity of maritime spatial planning stakeholders, policy- and decision-makers through intensified dialogue activities and amplifying gained knowledge in MSP. Capacity4MSP builds on the results…

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Discover the latest news about the UN Decade For Ocean Sciences (2021-2030)

The United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework that will ensure ocean science can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the Ocean. More info:

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